I just purchased it and downloaded it with no problems... So I'm not sure what the problem there is. However, Check your private messages. I've PM'd it to you since you've already got it on your purchase list it shouldn't be a problem. Heh.. I just wasted 40 points.. I'll never use this
More info? Why can't you get it to work? Your computer won't let you download it.. Or you are unsure on how to install it?
Hrrrmm.. I was only asking because it was a different download point.... You got messenger of some sort? I can send it via messenger if you wish... (PM me info if you do) As for the actual problem... Maybe try downloading to a different area on your computer? I'm not too sure why it won't let you download it.. thats odd. Is that the only one you've had trouble with on this site?
Find the containing folder of the script, drag the script into an open firefox window. Firefox must have greasemonkey installed
I've been trying to get a refund for this :/... I've never been able to use it, and I just got the Igloo Autobuyer v4.5. If a refund is possible, someone please help me out.