Accounts Have a buyer account (with cookie import/export) Multiple refresher accounts (proxy support, in case of RS ban) Procedure List of all shops Add {selected} shops to procedure Remove {selected} shops to procedure Move selected shops up/down Clear procedure Optional random shop instead of in order Multi-shops in one procedure separated with comma Lists List of all shops Add {selected} item to shop list Remove {selected} item from shop list Load/save/clear lists of shop Lists get saved, never do it again! The Explanation Accounts: Well, basically, this works as an innocent account just refreshing a shop. Then, there is a buyer account so that whenever it spots an item on the list, the buyer account buys it. This prevents the RS ban and so you can keep ABing for longer and more efficiently. Procedure: Since you can AB so long with the refresher accounts, you don't want to be always stuck in the same shop. The procedure allows you to change shops after x to x amount of time. This still would support the multi-shop ability of AU. So say you're going to sleep, this could be your procedure: Code (Text): 2 13, 30 58, 2 108, 14, 1 17, 56, 13 Lists: Since you'd have a procedure, you'd need lists for all these different shops. Well, this is what this feature is for. Never have to load a list again because you'd load all of your lists in one time. There will be a list of shops, and you load all your different lists in the different shops. Then, when the procedure goes to a different shop, all the program has to do is look up what you've loaded for the new shops.
actually the account idea is smart, but I would be concerned with how long it takes to refresh on a proxy so instead I'd refresh without a proxy and instead buy with a proxy.. that way you see the item ASAP and then buying it is just a matter of how fast the proxy is but great suggestions overall
Hrrrm... sounds like a good idea but I see one flaw. the fact that the account that buys somehow seems to walk into the shop at the exact right time it restocked and buys an item could be a problem... As if that is not suspicious if it were to keep happening
Well, the account would already be refreshing in the shop. That's the only way it would buy the item the refreshing account saw.
So you log in with two accounts... 1 account is the refresher... the other account is the buyer.. but the buyer refreshes too? I'm not following? How will that help with RS bans? Just means you have one extra "spot" account.
I think Lightning is saying that the main buyer would have amazingly low refresh times (40 to 50 seconds) and the proxied sides would have higher refresh times (4 to 8) Would this require AU to operate out of multiple browsers? Because I imagine it would be quite slow to spot the item, then log out, remove proxy, and log back in on the buying account @.@ But it's a good base idea, just needs a lil' refining
Aaaaah I understand now.... I feel stupid for not thinking of that first. But you can open to windows of AU anyway... or more if you want. Can log in using the same account or different accounts and could set it up to work how you mentioned. I'm sorry if this comes across as me just being argumentative... I do actually like the idea, just trying to understand it better
These are actually some great ideas!!! I'd love the idea about the multiple procedures. I do that anyway because of my impatience and love of change :lol: So having it set to automatically change my shops around would be a tremendous help!
I really really like the random shop refresh option. I dont really like to run my AU in more than one shop because refreshing over and over in the exact same order every time is rather robotic. When Im actually legit rsing, I move around between shops, and AU should imitate that human-like quality.
No, because AU would not "operate" in another browser, therefore, cookies are deleted for the refresher accounts whenever you close AU. Only the main account would then run on Firefox with the cookie import/export. So basically, one runs in Firefox, the other does in an imaginary.
wouldnt it be possible to store the cookie strings of the buyer and refresher account in AU? to facilitate easy switching between the accounts. yepp, with the refresher account implemented, and the more than 3 shop option to AB in randomly, it would be the best autobuyer around!
Hmm, I'm a little sceptical about the 'innocent' and 'buyer' account thing, because it would be strange - why does the 'innocent' account spot refreshes, but not buy the items? I think that would actually look quite fishy D:
Post #2 thats weired, it shouldnt happen Post #3 for the above link, it told me 'you are not authorized to read this forum, WHY? Mod edit:Please don't double post, there's an edit button at the top for that.
What's weird and shouldn't happen? And please do not double post; your reply to a quote should be in the same message. It makes more sense that way as well xD ^ Which link are you referring to? Some forums require a certain level to view. Considering how you're still a newbie, you're highly restricted from many areas D: [Edit] Please do not... QUADRUPLE post O_O;; [/Edit]
Well, there are a lot of people that analyze shops, believe it or not for profitable items. And, actually, there is an ABer that uses these functions, and there is no greater (or less) risk of getting iced.
While we are making suggestions, one feature I'd like to see added is the ability to load a list of "buyable" items that should be sent to the SDB instead of being sent to your shop and priced.
Well... I'd like to make a few suggestions as well, but I'd feel kind of bad, because the programme's already so awesome and I'd feel that I'm demanding too much >< But! Nevertheless, I shall make them... LOL. List Creator Have the shop numbers next to the shop names, so that we'd know what to rename the file as (when using the restock alert for other shops option). List Manager Have a 'search for item' option, so that users can search for a particular item (to remove, maybe), rather editing the .txt file and reuploading it / looking through the entire list for the item D: Auto-Pricer Have a 'remove from shop' option? In case you want to remove UB's, or decide to remove something... just because xDD Allowing users to browse through the shop to choose which 30 items to price/reprice, rather than the 30 cheapest items? Withdrawing Neopoints Have an option to... deposit neopoints as well? xD Buying Process (In General) Have a... HALT button of some sort? Because... sometimes I watch my AB'er attempt to buy something that would be a loss, but once it attempts to buy it, I can't stop it. Any sort of 'panic' button...? :X Miscellaneous Being able to sift through SDB to remove items and put them in the shop? *avoids tomatoes hurled at me* DD: But I must clarify - I think AU is already awesome; I hope I don't sound like a unappreciative snob by making all these suggestions. Had been thinking of them for quite some time already, but decided not to voice them out as... I'm too much of a perfectionist. LOL. But now that Lightning made this board, I decided to post them. Teehee (x *headdesks in shame* .-.
i like the idea and was thinking of it myself. does anyone else remember mysticals multi account blurp aber?
[quote="permeability"} Buying Process (In General) Have a... HALT button of some sort? Because... sometimes I watch my AB'er attempt to buy something that would be a loss, but once it attempts to buy it, I can't stop it. Any sort of 'panic' button...? :X .-.[/quote] wouldn't that take away from the program being an "auto" buyer I mean most of the time are you truly watching what it buys?
It would be nice too, if AU would delete items from lists in the "lists" folder if they earn less than x amount of profit, rather than only those lists that are loaded.