Auto Buyer advanced warning system

Discussion in 'Neopets Program Discussion' started by Heya, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    So I came up with this idea today of a system that warns you of a restock. The idea is you have a php script running on a server that is refreshing in a shop 24/7. You have an aber running on your computer and that aber is hooked up to the server. So when there's a restock, your aber will go to the shop and start buying. The point of the idea is less refreshing on your abing account, less chance of ice. Now... when you look at lag time, there may be a few second lag, depending on if you have paid web hosting ect. With a paid webhosting you may be able to get buys with as little as 1 second lag time. And since you don't care about the account in the php script refreshing, who cares how often it refreshes, meaning you might catch the restocks right on, meaning possibly more buys.

    Is there support in the community for such a system?

    The biggest problem I see right now is the refreshing account. That newbie account will get iced, how fast, idk. If tnt ip bans the ip behind the account, they will ban your web hosts servers ip adress, meaning you need a new web host to continue. But if theres support, I will spend some time on this.

    This would be really good for rsing draik eggs, as they generally are in the shop for many seconds before bought anyway.
  2. chelsea1

    chelsea1 Level IV

    Nov 26, 2006
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    I remember when mystical had an aber similar to this. You had a buying account and a couple of refreshing accounts. It seems like a good idea in principle but I'm not sure how many people would use it or if it would just be too complicated. I like the idea of a warning system though.

    how is neotools coming along?
  3. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    neotools is coming, its very complicated. I've had some problems more none the less i must adress, one be proxy support. I've been reading up on http requests and how proxies play a role, hoping to modify rickys wrapper. I would say don't expect neotools to come out in the next few weeks, it may be a few months, but luckly, i have no school or work for the next 4 months, so... lots of time to work on it. I wish ricky was around, he used to make things work when my coding failed :p
  4. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Modifying Ricky's Wrapper? I have one based on the architecture of Ricky's, but I've modified it so much it is barely recognizable with timeouts, downloading, uploading, multi-part forms, advanced cookie management etc., but why would you use that? I thought NeoTools was in PHP and RickysWrapper was within the .NET Framework.

    And wouldn't it just be easier to have an autobuyer that supported refresher accounts? There wouldn't be that much of a point to be using a server. I know of a refresher-account ABer that is out there and still working.
  5. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    ricky wrote a php wrapper, that is the wrapper i'm talking about. He mentioned on there about one day maybe adding proxy support, I know he could add it in 10 minutes if he wanted, lol.

    The reason i want to put it on a server is I want something that refreshes around the clock and many people across the forum connect to it. I will be modifying my gm aber to work with this too.

    if you aren't gona put it on a server, the you would need proxies cause you can have the refresher on the same ip, its obvious The server takes care of that problem.