1. Go To Your Control Panel and Click 'Folder Options'. If you dont see Folder Options click 'Switch to Classic View' and then look for it. 2. Click the 'Tools' tab in the Folder Options window. 3. Uncheck the 'Hide Extensions for known file types' box, and Click 'OK'. 4. Rename the file you suspect of being a password stealer and rename the file so it becomes a .txt file. Example: ABER.exe would be renamed to ABER.txt 5. Open the txt file and click 'Edit' then 'Find' 6. Search for "@ . c o m" or " . c o m" and look for an email address. If you see something like "h a c k e r @ y a h o o . c o m" it is probably a password stealer. If you dont find an email address search for ". c o m" and look for words like " f a k e m a i l e r . c o m". You have to look around yourself and judge yourself if its a password stealer, in most cases its obvious. The only . c o m's you should see are for neopets.com! Note: Not 100% work
Haha, I was going to prove you wrong by checking the AU for ".com" and find the authorization process but it didn't show up. As you say, there really is no need for a program (at least not an auto buyer) to contain that. Good job, I hope this will spread to the neoboards so that we get more members since the programs here can be proven to be legit.
That's a simple, but very basic way for checking. But FYI, its not foolproof. Someone could very easily encrypt the email address and decrypt at run-time, thus not showing up in the executable. The best way (that's not over-the-top for the average user) is to use a packet sniffer like Wireshark and look for stray packets.
Yeah, most people won't encrypt their Strings Just press the report button if someone is spamming or otherwise doing something against the rules
I u this method to check some prog: Vibe autobuyer (fakemailer) Lime autbuyer (fakemailer) I got 2accounts stolen of me. lesson here is: EVER DOWNLOAD FREE PROG! its rare to find password stealer prog with ecy. some of them just can't be bother doing so
For anyone having issues finding folder options: Step 1: Open any folder. Step 2: Look on the toolbar for Tools. Step 3: Click the dropdown box, and select folder options ftw. (my ftw's are always short for "for the win," incase anyone was wondering. The other involves the world I've heard lol.) Hope this helps out with easily locating the folder options tab. I'm actually not really sure where to locate it at in the Control Panel, although I wouldn't mind knowing. As far a PW stealers, and cookie grabbers go, I believe this site to be full of great, bug-free programs, so I'm not really worried about it anymore. I also appreciate the tip, it's very handy to know. As the other users have stated, some programs use encrypted data, does this make it impossible to detect, or not, and what might you suggest to avoid, and/or detect this..? I only ask because I'm a paranoid person .. sometimes.
Thanks, but give credit for guides you've stolen :/ -blocked-.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=57415&st=0&p=448262&#entry448262 Good intentions, but please do not link to or discuss other forums in the same genre as NF.
If you're a very good programmer, yes. But I'm betting most people aren't Trust that all the programs on this site are safe- they're checked and approved by mods before releasing to the public. So no need to worry! But don't trust any files you receive in your email, pms, or especially from the crazy internet world. 99% of these are filled with keyloggers, viruses, spyware, etc.
Agree... Expecially the programs coming from fake forums, fake blog entries and more fake-things. Removing a pass-stealer is hard, you need to decompile the program and it's not so easy it's better using programs coming from Neofriends they are safe, always updated and full of features! Why looking for more programs?!?
Great, now I can prove those scammers wrong and won't loose my account like I have in the past :lol: So thanks! +rep for this good guide xD Please don't gravedig. In the future check the date of the last post to avoid it