I bought it and miraculously had no problems. ^^ And it has more than enough features for me at the moment.
Most of us have both ABers just to try things out...I use AU mainly, but Edge is a nice addition and I like to use it as a little side thing. Also, I like to just suggest, help out Kyle with some little bugs that he might've missed.
Great work tweedie! Could you put up screenshots of the new version? (I ask because you said theres an igloo autobuyer but I don't see it in the pictures) Thank you! Fexxel
For a fraction of the price of AU, and similar functionality, i'm surprised this isn't being sold for more..great stuff 2nd post: Just a quick note: if you use this on a brand new account under 1 day old (ie, no shop) the program crashes, atleast for me anyways :S tested on 3 different computers, works with my regular abing account but not a brand new one Please do not double post, next time just use the 'edit' button.
Has anyone else been having ridiculous buy times like 10+ seconds every now and then? Or is it just me
It happens occasionally I use AU but apparently if there is a problem with the OCR (i think that's what it's called) it takes that long, and if you still get the item I guess the item was just slow
Every time its about to AB something for me it Shuts Down -_- I Dont get anything. Is there Something i could be doing wrong?
Also If It doesnt shut down When its about to AB something than, It Says It Failed to buy, And the Coordinates were wrong or something.
Looks like I'll be trying to get this whilst I save for the AU. Very nice looking and good reviews. Hope it works well for me. Ed: For some reason it always crashes when grabbing account details. I downloaded the latest framework (3.5, and SP1 for it) and it still happens. Any suggestions? Ed2: Uninstalled and reinstalled and it works. How bizaare.
An unknown error had occurred during the buy process. [10/5/2009 2:49:05 PM] Main program: Onr recognition - Coordinates are &x=87 &y=64 It keeps saying that And it wont AB anything.
It's good. just has a little bug for me for the save html screenshot function. works perfect if you disable that option
Ah hi. I'm running Vista on my new laptop with Norton disabled. I put in my Neofriends.net user and password to verify, and it just.. sits there. I get no further. Advice? =p EDIT: Mm. Post 420. Someone's tokin' up somewhere.
is anybody getting the following error when they press start Error: Edge Autobuyer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. There is only one file in zip is there suppose to be more than one?.. Update: so the problem olnly happens when you select advance refreshing options.. Any way to fox this? update #2 does not buy stays stuck on [10/24/2009 4:00:50 AM] Main program: Onr recognition - Coordinates are &x=124 &y=92 [10/24/2009 4:00:46 AM] Main program: Attempting to purchase