[Guide] Hannah and the Pirate Caves Avatar.

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Butterfly, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. Butterfly

    Butterfly Newbie

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Guide to Hannah and the Pirate Caves Avatar
    So I noticed a lot of people don't know or cant get Hannah and the Pirate Caves, so I figured I'd tell you how I get it. These are some useful tricks to make it easier.

    First of all/(First Trick) -Do Not Start- from Level 1. That is probably the biggest mistake right there. Despite that its a pain, start from Basic Training 1. This gives you if I'm not mistaken a whole 50k Experience. (Wow I know right? You need 150k to get the Avatar and 50k Solely by just going through the Basic! Amazing.)

    Second Trick:Name: [​IMG] If you can get the Gem in the level. Get it, believe me its worth it in the end. If you know your gonna die over it. Like say in the first level where you drop down and got those birds that just don't die, and that Monkey next to the rock. Dont bother. Your extra life could be the key into getting extra points for the Avatar. You dont want to get to 149k and then die and not have no lives. I know its happen to me.

    Third Trick: Name: [​IMG] Now this is important see these? If you hit them you get points. I made it a point to hit ALL of these I can. If I know its not like under a spike or something. Just like if your going through a level and see this sitting in a pack of 3 hit them, or jumping but you have to hit these to get down hit all of them. You get points just for doing it. I found that if I hit them, I'll get way more points, then if I don't.

    Fourth Trick: [​IMG]If you see a spare life, or know its in the level, but know you can get it without dying, then do it. But if you know your going to die or there is a chance. Do Not Get It, whats the point of trying for a life, and getting it then dying? Then you will have had no point in trying to get it, but if you do it then die again. You just wasted two lives on One Level.

    Fact: Now I have -never- had to make it past level 9 to get the Avatar, meaning I got to Level 9 but never had to beat it. I've just played around on it like hitting all the boxes I can getting the gems, but by level 9 you should have the Avatar, if you don't and your 130k Exp you must have missed something but by level 9 you should have 150k if not over that. If you don't get the avatar first time around, try again! Practice Makes Perfect! .

    Congrats You should now have Hannah and the Pirate Caves Avatar! Isnt it Pretty? ^^

  2. Detox

    Detox Level III

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Good guide..

    There are some issues with images not appearing