Just click this did you say millionaire! Spoiler If dark can do it, anyone can! By doing this three times a day (and five on weekends), you will have made 390,900NP within one year. In 2.5581990278843694039396265029419 years, you will be a (one)Millionaire!
lol Its a Fashion Fever link ppl (way you had it put mad emy think of a cookie grabber or a flp might wanna edit it a bit other wise <3
Lmao that just earns you 900np a day or 1500np on weekends ._. You'll have to do it for roughly 934 days before you can even earn a million lol.
GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111//////////////////////// <3
Moo! x( You stretched it. ONG WAIT... does friday count as weekend? ._. (the whole you can play five games per day thing)
lol thats funny and a funny guide,, well if your Neopets everyday you can now earn a million NP in fast 2.5 years!!! YAY. So easy... :lol: