I have posted a message before but it didnt give me a point. Anyone want to fill me in on how to get enough points for an autobuyer for the magic shop and care to tell me the best one to buy?
DO NOT spam for cash. That is not accepted here. You need to read the rules. You don't get cash and post count for posting in the giveaway section. Go read the rules and learn about it before you make a topic.
By reading the Site Rules and Ranks and the Forum Cash and Downloads System And our most popular ABer would be Acheteur Ultime. edit: pooh on you royal...you beat me to it
The whole time I was typing that, my mantra was *gotta beat pando, gotta beat pando* because you beat me on the giveaway one. xD
Yeah, just look at my cash and my program list. Tons of progams and lots of cash, doesn't take too long.
And for the autobuyer do I need to buy a certain autobuyer for a certain other thing? like is there something I have to buy that goes along with the autobuyer. 2nd Post: I also seen someone selling millions of nps for cash on here or something? How dose that work? like how do people trade nps for cash or whatever? I got confused.
Mkay firstly, please never double post. You can edit your post by clicking the "edit" button. There are some other files you'll need to run the autobuyers but those are free. And yes, people here do sell/trade nps for cash but you need to be at least level 1 to trade (at that time, you'll have access to our blackmarket).
You just say that because you can give yourself cash lol Oh, and don't you get free programs anyway lol?
Oh lol. I figured that mods could give each other cash xD (dirty cops, dirty mods lol). Watch someone do that one day.... xD
SCANDOLOUS! Mods dont edit posts *innocent face* ANYONE ELSE WHO DARES ACCUSE ME, Please post here (Edits will follow and change all posts to we <3 SoC) And we can edit other peoples cash xD Is quite fun haha *mwuahahahaahaha* evil mods
SoC is an amazing mod how dare anyone think he abuses his power you all make me MAD MAD MAD! <3 you SoC