Brain Tree, Esophagor, Edna the Witch, Snow Faerie, Kitchen Quest. A program which you can select any of these and make them but imposing a limit to the value of the neopoints spent on it. <3 Just like a normal faerie quest. B)
But doing the quests is it worth the prize... For a long time i was thinking you lose np by doing quests(the only positive result would be stat gain but that too rarely).. I respect your innovative idea..can you explain me how this would be useful.. One input i can give is to include jhudora's and illusen's quests too!!
For people seeking the Edna avatar, or Kitchen Quest stats, it'd be useful, but as far as profit goes this would be null. And in that case, why not have an Illusen/Jhudora quest do-er, as well, for the avatars/trophies?
Oh Zer0, don't underestimate the power of lazyness... never.. But I do agree though =D starting the program etc. would probably take just as long.
If someone can do this, despite all the resistance, I'll give him 300k just to make it for me and don't make it as a download on Neofriends. CONSIDER THAT? or making it public? It's time to choose ... (G-man's quote) :maha:
Hey, Zer0, maybe add a function of a limit per quest total. So it goes and searches the general price. Then, if the quest items are under x amount, it'll buy those items and complete the quest.