[LE]Attack Of The Slorgs

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by HeyLisa, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. HeyLisa

    HeyLisa Level I

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Note beforehand; This is the first ever guide I write, so I'm sorry if it's a bit unclear with the formatting & such. ^__^

    The Attack Of The Slorgs Avatar, isn't it pretty? This guide will help you achieve those 1000 points required for the avatar.

    Purpose of the game

    You're a Yurble farmer who's growing crops. But you have one problem: those pesky Slorgs keep eating your crops!
    Now you've got this handy machine, The Slorgerizer x4, which you can use to get rid of the slorgs.
    You're at the middle bottom of the game screen. The slorgs will start appearing at the left-top-corner of the screen.
    You can keep track of your lives in the left-bottom-corner and your score and level progress can be found in the right-bottom-corner.

    So, the goal of the game is to prevent the slorgs from reaching your crops. You do this by shooting slorgs into the line of slorgs already in your field. This may sound crazy, shooting in extra slorgs to get rid of them? This is because you need to make rows of at least three slorgs of the same colour to get rid of them. So if there's 2 brown slorgs and you shoot another brown slorg at them, thus creating a row of three, all three slorg will disappear off your field.

    You can control your Slorgerizer x4 by using the right and left arrow key to aim the laser beam and the space bar to shoot.

    The Different levels

    In each level the slorgs move from the top-left-corner to the crops in a certain way. There's 6 different ways they can take. (See pictures below) It's worth it giving these pictures a good look, so you know how the slorgs are going to move and how much time you have left to defend your crops.

    Level 1
    Slorgs needed to complete level: 30
    This level is really easy, the slorgs move slowly and they take a really long path, leaving you with lots of time to kill them. Use this time to get more points!
    How you ask? By making combo's. If you make rows of 2 slorgs - 2 different colour slors - 2 slorgs - etc, you can receive extra points.

    Let's take the image above as an example. I created a row of blue - green - blue - etc.
    See the circled green slorgs? Let's assume I shoot another green slorg at them, causing them to disappear. The blue slorgs on either side will together form a row of 4 slorgs and thus disappear as well, plus it will give me a x2 score multiplier. Then the green slorgs on either side of the blue slorgs will together form a row of 3 and disappear, giving me a x3 score multiplier. Etc. Pretty nifty huh? :)

    Level 2
    Slorgs needed to complete level: 50
    Level two is still fairly easy, so keep trying for score multipliers here.

    Level 3
    Slorgs needed to complete level: 75
    In this level you will get a lot of vertical columns of slorgs, making it harder to reach them. In this level you would probably want to stop focusing on the multipliers and start focusing on just killing the slorgs.

    Level 4
    Slorgs needed to complete level: 100
    In this level the slorgs will be easier to reach than in level 3, but they'll also move at quite a faster speed.

    Level 5
    Slorgs needed to complete level: 125
    The Slorgs will be moving quite quickly and you have a lot of horizontal columns in this level, so beware.

    Level 6
    Slorgs needed to complete level: 150
    This will be the hardest level you have to deal with if you're only going for the 1000 points for the avatar.
    Because the path is so insanely short and the slorgs move pretty fast you have very little time to kill the slorgs.

    Level 7
    Slorgs needed to complete level: 175
    The path in this level is the same as the path in level 1.
    This level is a lot easier than level 6, even though the slorgs move faster. Just because you have a much, much longer path and thus more time.

    Level 8
    Slorgs needed to complete level: 200
    The path is the same as in level 2.

    I'm not going to continue listing the other levels, as by now you should easily have over 1000 points.

    The Different Slorgs

    There's 6 different colours of Slorgs in the game. And each Slorg has their own power up. You can tell if the Slorg you're about to shoot is a power up Slorg because it pulsates and the name of the power up appears in yellow letters on the screen.

    Brown Slorg
    Present in all levels.
    Power up: Super Slorgerizer. This is a pretty useful power up. When you shoot this Slorg into the line of Slorgs already on the field, it will destroy 2 slorgs on either side. But beware! Don't use this slorg when you're trying to go for a multiplier bonus, it will destroy your carefully set-up pattern.

    Green Slorg
    Present in all levels.
    Power up: Slow down. Extremely useful power up! It will cause the Slorgs to move at a much slower speed. This power up may very well save your life in level 6.

    Blue Slorg
    Present in all levels.
    Power up: Slorg block. A pretty useless power up. When you shoot this power up into your line of Slorgs, it stops all the slorg behind it from moving. BUT, the slorgs in front of it will still move on and eat your crops. So it'll just cause a huge gap in your line.

    Red Slorg
    Starts appearing in level 4.
    Power up: Multislorg. This is a really bad power up! When you shoot this into your line of Slorgs, it will add 10 Slorgs to your line. So avoid this one at all cost.

    Grey Slorg
    Starts appearing in level 4.
    Don't shoot this Slorg into your line! (Unless it's the power up) You can only fire this Slorg into your line, it will not appear from the top-left-corner and therefore it's really hard to get three of them.
    Power up: Puddle of water. Very useful Power up. When you shoot this into your line of Slorgs, every Slorg behind this one will turn into one random colour. So wait until the line is about halfway or 2/3 along the path and then shoot it somewhere at the front of the line. Now all you have to do is miss your Slorgs until you get the Slorg with the same colour as the line and you can get rid of a LOT of Slorgs in one go.

    Pink Slorg
    Starts appearing in level 6.
    Power up: Slorg destruct. VERY USEFUL!!! When you shoot this Slorg into your line of Slorgs, it destroys all Slorgs behind it. So if you get this, wait until your line is very near your crops and then shoot this power up somewhere at the end of your line.

    Other Information

    The Cheat codes
    Type in 'marrow' to receive an extra life.

    Type in 'chargex4' to reactivate your laser.
    Every once in a while you will get a "laser failure", meaning that your laser beam will disappear, making it hard to aim.
    Quickly type in the above code to restore your beam.

    Crazy Frog Bonus
    Every now and then a Quiggle will appear in the left side of your game screen.
    Hit it with a slorg to receive a 25 point bonus.

    Revenge Of The Slorgs
    Sometimes in the game you get "Revenge Of The Slorgs". You controls reverse when this happens. So if you hit the right arrow, your laser beam will move left. When you get it, it will go away once you lose a life or the next level starts.

    The Phantom Orange Shirt Guy
    The Phantom Orange Shirt Guys, TPOSG, who appears in several games also appear in Attack Of The Slorgs.
    At the starting screen click the pupil of the Yurble's left eye. (Circled in white in the above picture)

    Good luck playing the game!
    And let me know if you have any questions, I'd be glad to answer them. ^__^
  2. Dora

    Dora Level I

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Fantastic guide you have here, you have done it really well. I will deffo try this.
  3. HeyLisa

    HeyLisa Level I

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Behind you
    Thanks. ^__^
    Let me know if it helped any. :)
  4. pandora

    pandora Level I

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Thankyou for this, been trying for the av for ages and finally got it :)
  5. HeyLisa

    HeyLisa Level I

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Behind you
    I'm really glad to hear that. :)