Just realised this doesn't have a topic, and since I just updated it I thought I'd make one Link: http://neofriends.net/downloads.php?d=11 Perl Mass Neomailer Description Can be used to send neomails to a specific list of users or to random users seen donating to the money tree. This is a command line Perl program - so don't expect an interface! Main Features Very fast Grabs Usernames from the Money Tree OR option to load list of usernames to mail from a text file Neomails each in turn Doesn't mail any user more than once Can include target user's username in text Does not try to mail 'ghosts' Tells you when it sends, and when it fails Optional sleep time between neomails
Wow, very nice, I am guessing this is usually used for advertising/spam purposes. How long can you expect an account to last when using it, like how many neomails worth?
really depends on what's your topic, if it's advertising your shop / trades, should last quite long, since it's legit. if advertising an np selling site... take it from me, it'd probably last around 5-10 minutes, at a 3-4 second refresh rate.