I've seen those around but I don't think I've seen one on this site. I'd really enjoy both a Neoquest I and II autoplayer. But seeing as it's not much of an NP source, I doubt it would be on the top of anyone else's lists.
downloads.php?d=164 There's a NQ1 Trainer :/ I know there are NQI and NQII player programs out there.. just not on this site. And yeah, It'd be great if we had it because I love Neoquest II. Plus it'd be nice for anyone wanting a trophy.
Unfortunately the only things I see are scripts and they're trainers... Not players. But you're right! It would be fantastic to have one for this site!
Wow seems complicated to make one! But trainers are good too as they will just keep fighting and you'll have your NQ characters at really high levels at the start of the game
A neoquest trainer would be absolutely great. Really is a pain levelling up in neoquest and it takes forever at some stages when you fight those low experience monsters. Sounds incredibly difficult to make though.
As someone stated, there already is a Neoquest trainer in the Downloads. :| And even then, I don't think it would be too difficult to code in VB6. A simple one would just entail the program clicking 2 opposing buttons (north or south, east or west) repeatedly, then upon seeing the "Attack" link (sign that a battle has begun), click on it repeatedly. The autoplayer would be a different story since it has to take into consideration .txt files.
i tried a neoquest autoplayer from other site once. they have a trainer+player.. u load a text file for getting from place to place..and the trainer is just like any other trainer it would be great if the program is something like that