Umm, I was thinking that it would be great if there was a program that would allow neopet users to generate adopted pets name... just suggesting
you know when you adopt a pet and you get this really annoying name like XoX_nameblahblahblah_XoX11 or whatever.. you could change that.. i guess.. but like i said i'm only suggesting
I don't get it lols xD It'd be nice though to have some kinds of program to generate wn untaken names, Is that even possible though?
The auto-adopter allows you to select pets by certain name types.. I think if it has any underscores or numbers you can select not to adopt it. There is no way to change the name of an adopted pet though. (I think thats what you meant?!) As for WN, untaken names sure it would be possible. There was a link to a site that creates random names/words which are cool. Alot of those were untaken. I cannot remember the link. I'll search for it later and try to find it for you.
Yeah that's what i meant xD since english isn't my mother language it kinda hard to put my thoughts into words, and my thoughts are always kinda messy so sorry for that :lol: so the auto adopter finds a name that you want or close to what you want?
No but one of them (can't remember which one.. maybe someone else can help me here) has an option to not adopt names with underscores / numbers.. Probably not quite as well as your looking for, but its better than nothing.
hah yeah it is better than nothing, since the last pet i adopted has o and 0 before and after the name... if you remember which one is it, or someone else who knows, please let me know
I can easily make a program that searches a list of names and checks em to see if they are taken. you can use a wordlist maker and make lists of names starting with certain letters, lengths, etc, and the words would be legit RW names =P