I dont know if this is already out their or not but a Stock Market program would be cool. Would be so much better if there wasnt a 1000 share limite on it. the program would -Buys shares at 15 only or set value -Sells at set value or % -Gets money from the bank if needed. More advanced options -Which shares are the best to buy as some never go up above a % there is some easy money to be made on stock markets its just slow.
I like the idea... Maybe incorporated into AU or something... Because as a standalone, it would be pointless. the time it takes to login on that, you could login on neo and do it ya know?
Best site for stockmarket is NeoDaq... Instead of selling all at the one set value, sell a % of the share at different increments, for example: Sell 30% at 50, 30% at 75, 30% at 100, and the rest when it booms... The increments will depend on if you need the NP, if you dont hold off
I think another good feature would be to set a sell limit, such as if the stock rises about 40, the program would automatically sell. Program would check every hour to see if it rises above that point.
Thats a good idea to put it into AU to keep track of stocks. As its on most of the time Thats what im mainly after. XD hope this develops more. Any other idea's to add
This. The beauty of the stock market is that it doesn't take effort. As a veteran stock player, I just want to say that the benefits of this program would be extremely limited- at best, it would net you maybe 10k-50k once a week. And that is under extremely optimal conditions. Stocks change only twice an hour, and only 1 or 2 np at a time, if at all. However, a stock market greasemonkey function would be useful without being useless, if that makes sense. It could highlight stocks to buy and sell; it could even silently check after every :28 and :58 to see if there are 'better' bargain stocks and more importantly if anything in your port has reached your sell points. Here's two scripts, untested by me, which do improve the stock market, but don't do all the things I mentioned above. http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/9078 http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/14675