So I'm planning to make a Igloo-Attic autobuyer-in-one, and I was looking for suggestions from you guys as to what features to include. What I have: Attic refreshes from xx seconds of the minute to xx seconds After Attic restock, will only check every 7 minutes Igloo will refresh every x seconds; every xx to xx seconds, etc. Priority, if both restock, Igloo/Attic will take priority over Attic/Igloo Proxy support Possible "proxy trick": only use proxy to login Suggestions: Multiple accounts (possible) - question here: post404402.html#p404402 Mac support (very unlikely) Suggestions will be much appreciated
I think the proxy trick should be default, while the always-on-proxy should be an option instead. Multiple accounts please! And also made so a Mac can run it haha.
Thanks I am considering the possibility of multiple accounts. Should the information be shared though or separate? For example: Account 1 sees restock in Igloo. Accounts 2 & 3 won't refresh until 5 seconds later. Should 2 & 3 be notified? (probably yes but...) The only problem is that they might be fighting over the items XD As for the Mac, I am planning to program this in C#, so I don't know how this will really work. If I get to Java (which is probably the next one on my list), it'll support Macs
Igloo ABing/Attic-ing doesn't really need refreshing accounts imo. Like, Igloo RF rate: 0-1 seconds, it's already very constant and fast and doesn't need refreher accounts. Attic RF rates/timings are fixed so refresher accounts aren't needed. By multiple accounts I was thinking: Load a list of accounts, start ABing with the first account. When it gets 5 attic buys (since attic is MUCH more profitable than igloo), logout of the first and log into the second. And it goes down the list. That way the program will run as long as there are accounts to use. Java programs haha woohoo yay +support
I wasn't really talking about refresh accounts. I was thinking multiple buying accounts refreshing one time vs. procedure list of accounts.