[ULTIMATE guide] How to instantly attract any women you want

Discussion in 'World of SPAM' started by jonsjon, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. jonsjon

    jonsjon Level I

    May 7, 2009
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    This guide is for all the ugly guys that don't know how to make woman that they like, like them. This guide does not work if you don't put in effort yourself, or are addicted to neopets pr*n. This guide also works for females. ;)
  2. jonsjon

    jonsjon Level I

    May 7, 2009
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    Lesson 1: Be a Man

    You have to become confident man. And take responsibility for your actions.

    Reason you have to be confident is why do you think girls are attracted to jerks or jocks? Because they are acting like dudes. They aren't afraid of being AROUND women. Mr nice guy, You, need to learn how to act like man!!!
  3. John

    John Level IV

    May 4, 2009
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    Not telling because you'll just be jealous psshh..
    Lesson 2: Flirt

    Flirt, and flirt, then flirt even more.

    Wait.. is that right?
  4. jonsjon

    jonsjon Level I

    May 7, 2009
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    Yes, do you know how to flirt? It's like throwing your hair back and crossing your legs.
  5. jonsjon

    jonsjon Level I

    May 7, 2009
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    Lesson 3: be social

    Being social is very vague concept. WHAT DOES IT MEAN

    All it means communicate and practice communication alot. When you're social you exert energy. This pours over to other people nearby who are then in turn attracted, to you!
    If you appear to have more energy than other males, you will attract more women.

    If you don't believe me, go to a party and look at people who you think are attractive. Usually these are not the wallflowers, but people who are readily communicating with others, being enthusiastic about it, and using body language. They appear to have higher energy than others and thus seem more social.

    You might have noticed when you're social it costs alot of energy. This is exactly what I mean. For some people being social it comes naturally, because they derive energy from social interactions. It gives them a drive. For most people however being social costs (mental) energy.
    The trick is to up your mental energy and exert this into social interaction, so you will be more attractive person.

    The need to communicate should not be forced, it should be coming from a need to add value to the outside world not to seek approval from it.
  6. ceneret0023

    ceneret0023 Level III

    Jun 10, 2007
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    under a rock
    lol somebody actually wrote a guide on this xD that's amazing i thought fer sure hally or soc or phee or zer0 or pando or tharoux made this just to get laughs again xD
  7. jonsjon

    jonsjon Level I

    May 7, 2009
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    Lesson 4: don't be creepy

    don't ask millions of women on the street randomly for phone numbers. Go meet them in more acceptable places. Getting introduced by friends is very good way to meet women. That's why lesson 3 is very important be social, even to guys.

    Don't tell a girl she's beautiful, if it's obvious. don't get hung up on one girl. lesson 1 is important here, be a man. If you get hung up on one girl you are giving her the power, a man needs to lead, not follow. Girls secretly want guys to lead in a relationship
    If you give a women too much compliments you will look like a pussyboy. :D If you give roses and expensive gifts after a first date the same thing. Because by doing that you are seeking approval and not being independant man women secretly seek.
  8. Milanos

    Milanos Level IV

    Nov 2, 2006
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    In your nose
    Oh my god. Just.. oh my god. There is a guide on this?
  9. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Lesson 5: Be sexy...;) :p

    Lolz, anymore lessons, I never knew there would be an ULTIMATE guide on this :p
  10. jonsjon

    jonsjon Level I

    May 7, 2009
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    milanos.. you suddenly sound happy! :D :yup:

    Now this time no lesson but a bit of history. This to put it all in perspective. And to make believers out of non-believers.

    Modern society discover evolution. But modern society does not want evolution.
    So what do I mean with that? Well.. we cure sickness and then evolution doesn't apply anymore. In fact evolution doesn't apply to much anymore.
    You must realize 40-year old virgins didn't exist in any time before modern time society. Also feminism is the first time, here in modern society it happens. But the ways of old still apply. Evolution needs time to evolve and 100 years is not enough.
    The man used to be THE MAN, for millions of years. But he has now become a pussyboy, thanks to feminism. The man needs to remove the shackles of feminism and become a man once again. He needs to be independent and lead. 40-year old virgins are against the law of nature, it is against evolutionary principle that humans reproduce. The same way obesity occur because bodies are not adjusted to handle mcDonalds, 40-year old virgins occur because MEN have forgot to be the MAN in a relationship. Instead they are pussyboys.

    I hope YOU, and other people like Milanos take my lessons to heart and become more social, and don't get afraid to speak with women they like.
  11. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Lesson 666:

    Be a d!ck.

    Women like it when you are incredibly rude, sexist and cruel.

    Use this to your advantage :)
  12. jonsjon

    jonsjon Level I

    May 7, 2009
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    Will I hope you don't believe in this yourself. This will be bad for a healthy relationship.
    I will tell you this, women settle for dicks not because they like them, but because those are the only ones acting like MAN, while the nice guys are acting like pussyboys.
    Women are attracted to MAN, even if they have to put up with physical and mental abuse!!! They can't help it it's evolution!!! They are desperately searching for nice guys acting like MAN, but those are nowhere to be found!