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Un-ban Cracked Accounts!

Discussion in 'Neofriends Help and Suggestions' started by Heya, Dec 25, 2009.


Should we unbanned the sale of cracked/hacked accounts?

  1. Yes

    14 vote(s)
  2. No

    14 vote(s)
  3. Yes, under certain conditions/regulations

    9 vote(s)
  4. Unsure

    1 vote(s)
  1. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    Ok, so... Here's my attempt at this. I have all the evidence and facts to prove my case, and I hope you will lisen.

    Here's exactly what happened:

    NF was great and all. Tthen, hally, me, and dark, and some others started selling cracked accounts. NF started booming like crazy. I sold on average 4-5 per day, some times, even 5 from one person. What happened with them is people cheated, a lot more, cause they had accounts to burn, and use, and it was ok if one or two got iced along the way cause they were cheap. In the mean time, people could still sell legit shells, as some still wanted legit ones only. What then happened was rider and a few others gave account after account away, posting those 100+ account lists. Then, the account market died. Why pay for an account when you can get them for free. So then, the ones selling legit shells got screwed. They couldn't sell them at all, or if they could, it was way lower then they ever should of had to. So... A ban was placed on any cracked/hacked accounts being sold or given away. The day that passed, the life on nf died. If you have no accounts to cheat with, how can you cheat on neopets? The point of this site is to provide cheat programs to people that want to use them. This site stays alive and active off of people using the programs to cheat. People need accounts to cheat with or else they can't cheat. Now, people try to buy shells, but they can't, cause theres none around. Theres not enough people supplying legit shells to sell. When people had shells, they would play with different programs, and people would team up on projects with programs. I myself worked with a few of those projects.

    Now... I am not saying that cause i wana sell cracked/hacked accounts again, no. I'm saying this all and pushing for this cause we need to pass this to keep the site active.

    Here's an example to explain my point: I want to try some new stuff with the AU, new settings and shops, but i only have 2 accounts left to ab with, i don't want either to get iced. Now, i go to buy a shell, but no one has any for sale. So... Now, i have to give up, and not do what i wanted. Now, if they we're legit on nf, i can go buy one or two, and have fun with them. If i fine something interesting, now i have something to talk about on nf. If i can't cheat, then i have nothing to talk about. Maybe i find something cool, i create a topic, and then people buy some accounts and start trying stuff.

    Please, don't come out of this thinking i'm saying this cause i wana profit on this, cause i have no plans to do such a thing. I'm saying this from a programmers perspective as someone that knows a lot about how successful sites run, and how to keep a site active and alive. We need people to be able to do what this site is spose to do, but people can't do that because they don't have the tools they need to do it (i.e accounts). Selling hacked accounts allowed people to get the tools they need to run these programs. I know if i had 10 more accounts, i'd play with a few programs, and see what works well for me. Maybe try out multiple programs. To get those programs, people have to post, making the forum active :) And also gives people stuff to talk about on here.

    I strongly Support un-banning the sale of hacked accounts, that did not kill the account market. Giving away hacked accounts killed it to the point where nothing could be sold, then banning it took it to the other end, where you can't even buy an account anymore. We need to meet in the middle, and by allowing the sale of hacked accounts, but still leaving a ban on giving away hacked accounts, it will fix the current problem.

    I don't post this to argue, i'm open to your opinions. Please no bashing, and rude comments, post what you feel on my thoughts, and hopefully, we can all make this forum as great as it can be, which is very very good. Thank you if you actually took the time to read this whole post, if you did, please put "I read your crap" at the top of your post. If you didn't read this, then i know you didn't lisen to the facts before making your opinion.

    I also think we should have some kind of regulation on this to make sure it dosen't get out of hand, and thee people buying don't get ripped off. Maybe you have to apply for the right to sell cracked stuff, and if you do something wrong, you can lose that right. idk, but something could be placed to make sure it dosen't get out of hand, but i don't think that its that big of a deal.
  2. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    I know, I also miss the cracked acounts terribly. Only problem I see is that you're actually stealing someones hard earned nps. I just think that's wrong, kina D: (I don't wanna sound like a saint because I used those accounts too. And I would use them if we got them back, it's just.. Morally speaking)
  3. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    Yes, morally its wrong, but i think the forum should put an opinion in on it. If you think its wrong, then you don't have to buy them, but allow the ones that want to buy them buy them. Its not hurting the forum by allowing it. The forum doesn't have to come out an say, yes, we support the sale of cracked stuff. All they need to say is its your own opinion, do as you want. Its like the government saying ok, you have diabitees, you can't eat candy anymore. Its your own fell... You shouldn't be eating candy anymore, but wheres the government to take that right away from you?
  4. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Yeah, I see your point :) I'd vote yes for it ..
  5. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    Personally, I fully and completely disagree; it's completely wrong and secondly,

    MANY people were grateful for NF remaining a FRIENDLY lovely community, not a scamming good for nothing site full of scumbags CG'ing/FLP'ing/Keylogging other users. That is not what NF is about.

    Abing/Scoresending, takes nothing from a user. STEALING an item/account is hurting someones hard work. very unfair.

    and tbh, the day NF turns to a retarded community that actively supports cracked accounts, is the day I know this community isn't the place for me anymore.

    However; This has recently been discussed in mod/lvl5 chat, with the majority disagreeing with myself, and agreeing with heya. So it'd be reasonable to expect very shortly, trading of cracked crap to be allowed on NF under strict conditions.
  6. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
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    The Beach
    I always thought the problem was that there were some people who sold accounts that were cracked and claimed it as legit or just sold cracked accounts without any forewarning?
  7. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    The problem was that you came out and banned them without getting opinions from at least lvl 5's first. Maybe you made a topic in mod chat, but i know there was nothing in lvl 5 chat, or below. It was just like boom, its banned, no warning, no discussion, nothing.

    Its morally wrong, but in a way, so is cheating. Its still not fair to the ones that work hard, and play legit, and its still stealing something from tnt, which is their customers when they realize the games not fair. So still cheating goes against your ethics.

    That was also a problem, thus why regulations would nee to be placed, but the main reason i know it was pushed to ban was cause the people selling legit shells where mad they couldn't sell for anything decent, including a few mods.
  8. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    It was thoroughly discussed if I remember correctly, and the problem was it was getting extremely out of hand so immediate action had to be taken; I took action, and 80%+ of the people I spoke to in chatbox/msn/on the thread agreed with my decision, therefore no further action was deemed needed.

    Anyway, i'm very rarely active and don't play neo anymore. I seem to be getting outnumbered more and more, as I fear the people who have the same view as myself are also becoming inactive, and the needs and wants of the active community is the allowance of cracked accounts which is what the admins will have to satisfy to keep a successful forum.
  9. Hally

    Hally Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    I'll preface this post with just saying that I haven't really been active lately, and I probably don't have as good of a sense of what's going on the site as most people.

    With that being said, I agree whole-heartedly with Heya. When accounts become cheaper and easier to get, people cheat more because the consequences are less, leading to more people using our programs, and a more active community overall.

    What happens now is that people sell illegit accounts AS legit ones and screw everyone up.

    However, I'm not sure that putting a poll up in the suggestions is the best way of going about getting this done. Since it's something everyone can vote on, you're going to get little noobs voting without any real ramifications, when only a select few are affected by this (or even have a say).

    The people who you have to convince are the mods and admins.

    We've actually got a thread going on mod chat, and, like SoC said, most people agree with you.

    Now that I'm back, I'm going to fight to try to get this back on nf.
  10. Richy

    Richy Level IV

    Jul 2, 2007
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    Has anyone posted "I read your crap" yet?
    Cause I read your crap x.x

    I wasn't here when cracking was around, but I think it is a good idea (haven't read SoC's counterpoint yet)
    I think what you are proposing is maybe a combo of a price floor and some other regulations?

    Like you have to be confirmed so people can trust you didn't crack an account that is currently being used and active
    From the economy and activeness of the site, I like the idea
    I don't know where I stand morally... going to read SoC's link now
  11. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Home sweet home
    Lol, not to ruin anyone's long and windy posts or anything, but your arguments are all kinda flawed. We already know that it'll be good for NF's economy and activity and all that jazz. That much is obvious and no one's going to dispute that.

    The reason why it was banned was because it goes against NF's ideals. We're a cheating community, not a scamming one. The idea is to give people the tools to get an upper hand in terms making NP in otherwise legit manners. This is completely different from scamming.
  12. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    Ye, I understand that. I'm down for an alternative plan, and I'm sure a lot of others would be too, but something should be done that results in a consistant flow of accounts coming thru. Weather that be a plan that rewards users for making large batches of accounts to sell or what, but something that will result in enough accounts coming in some what cheap. As I said before, i'm not pushing this for personal reasons, i just think as a whole community, right now, this seems like the best way to fix the problem with the account market.

    If you don't like it, I'm down to hear an alternative, as i and i'm sure many others feel something should be done to attempt to fix it :)
  13. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Home sweet home
    I still have ~50 shells to sell. /goes to make topic in BM
  14. lazypando

    lazypando Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    I'm with zer0 and chilly on this one. The topic of scammed accounts has come up time after time and we've shot it down every time. Some of you may like buying/trading scammed accounts from experience on other sites, but NF has always been against scamming. It's not that large a step from scamming neo users to scamming NF members.

  15. Tycho

    Tycho Level II

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Lurking, mostly.
    I read your crap.

    And I agree. But, for a different reason.

    I simply have old accounts I can't get into anymore that I want to get into. What about people with my predicament? I mean, I realize this site is all for cheating and being all giggly and excited when we make a hundred million zillion NP doing so, but some of us are here earning back scammed riches, or fulfilling small goals that don't involve the words 'as much as I can get'.

    In all seriousness, I've had a lot of accounts stolen from me, a lot of accounts that could be gems and full of goodies that I can't get to because DERP FORGOT MAH BIRFDAY LOLZ and I think that even a service for getting them back - regardless of how un-reliable the methods to finding out who's really missing an old account and who's just full of elephant crap - is at least something that should be looked into.

    I'd pay to get back into my old accounts, and I think others would, too. :)

    And as for that method for proving it's yours... I know most of the old email addresses for them. It's JUST the birthday I'd need, haha.

    And even if these accounts of mine ARE empty... they're aged shells, heyooooo B)

    oh my god it's 5 am I am going to bed GOODNIGHT
  16. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    What had birthday got to do with ANYTHING related to this thread...
    1 person likes this.
  17. PrincessLuna

    PrincessLuna Level III

    Aug 11, 2009
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    I wasn't here for cracked stuff, so I don't really know what I'm missing... but I do like the idea of it :)
    Maybe create a seperate sub-forum just for hacked stuff, thataways there's no confusion about any of that....

    And I ve noticed the price of shells has really gone up.... which means its good for me who wants to profit from selling, but its not good for the buyer...

    So my vote is yes :D
  18. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    And people wonder why myself and others are not as active any more, pure bull shit.

    I have around 300 stolen accounts, selling them on here would crash the whole legit market + we would have arseholes signing up left right and center just to sell there stolen shit.
  19. dreamlorde

    dreamlorde Level III

    Feb 17, 2007
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    Obviously this forum is divided over this subject. At the risk of offending someone (although it's not my intent), I'll offer my own opinion.

    1) Mainly I agree with SoC. I don't think selling cracked accounts should be allowed here.

    2) I don't think that any amount of talking is going to change the minds of *most* pro-cracked acct. selling people. They know it's indecent (whether they say so or not), low, et cetera, et cetera, and yet want to do it anyway. Whatever higher ideal you're trying to appeal to probably isn't there.

    3) "There are a shortage of accounts for sale here" isn't a justification for selling cracked accounts. If you're too lazy to make your own accounts, then you really need to be satisfied with whatever's available to you. Because the right and most obvious answer to your "problem" is don't be lazy.

    4) I know that there are people here on this forum who scam. I know there are people here who would get people they didn't even know into trouble with TNT in a hot second if they got the chance. I know without a doubt that some of the people on this forum quit Keyquest games when their opponent is just about to win, and others are hacking into accounts right now, whether they can sell them here or not. But the important thing to me is - I don't know precisely who is doing these things. I don't want to talk to someone who enjoys screwing other neopets players. I don't know why anyone would. Maybe it's just me, but if I know I can't trust you, why the hell would I go out of my way to converse with you? So I guess what I'm saying is that, in a way, not knowing is what's keeping me here... but if it's made okay to openly sell stolen accounts and discuss that business, I won't be able to turn a blind eye to it anymore. I doubt that anyone intending to hack into accounts and sell them cares whether I stay or go, but I also doubt that I'm the only person on this forum who feels this way.
    Zer0 likes this.
  20. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    1. i know you bought hacked accounts from me back in the day.
    2. the answer isn't don't be lazy,, how does that fix anything. People want shells when they need them, not oh... i just made a batch, now we can wait 4 months. That doesn't help people cheat.

    AND my last point is zero, not to be mean, but they are still 500k per shell... hacked ones went for 200k per shell, so... you could get them before for a lot less... Passing this won't effect me at all, i still buy hacked shells off nf, but i know there's alot out there that want cheaper shells.

    And you wounder, why is the au chat so dead, this is one of the reasons why. No shells to blow abing. Last time it was active, was when hacked accounts were legal. I knew 2 people in there were just blowing shells on magic, chatting while it ran.

    I'm not saying hacked accounts are amazing, but there's no real alternative to it. There's no way to provide nf customers with cheap shells. If you don't like them, don't buy them.

    Its like... If you don't like cigarettes, you don't buy them, do you? They effect everyone when you smoke them, and damage innocent peoples lungs. I can bring many situations to the table to prove that at least some of you that don't support it are being hypocritical here, but i won't, cause its not necessary, that just be rude.

    Also, believe me from experience, the accounts you usually get, are like, 7 month shells, with 125 nps, no painted pets, no items, ect. They didn't do any hard work on the account. So... you can't use that as an excuse :)