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Was 9/11/01 an Inside Job?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Stonage, Jan 23, 2007.


Setup or Not?

  1. Yes, Fuck Bush

    31 vote(s)
  2. No, Bush Rules

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes, Bush Rules

    0 vote(s)
  4. No, Fuck Bush

    0 vote(s)
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  1. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    I understand that you're views are different than mine. But I'm just trying to show you that these conspiracies that you present are not supported by anybody that knows what they are talking about and are based on no factual evidence. And you're right, there are a lot of things the U.S. government does not make public knowledge in order to secure the safety of American lives. My mother served in the U.S. Navy for 15 years and my father served the U.S. Marine Corp for 5 years. My mother worked in the communications field and my father was a grunt (soldier) and she still can't discuss many of the details of her work because they are classified. It's a matter of national security.

    Many, many people believe as you do that President Bush is a terrible President etc etc, but I personally admire him for standing up against the millions of people that call him out because he is not a great public speaker or because of his determination to succeed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  2. dutch

    dutch Newbie

    Jan 31, 2007
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    It was bombs, how much more proof do you need? People smelled chlordite at the towers and pentagon, do a google on it. You can see red hot metal 7 weeks after the towers fell, how hott was the fires? Jet fuel wouldnt make it that hott. You can see melted metal falling while the towers where still standing, jet feul could not get hott enough to melt metal. Your saying the laws of physics are wrong! And the last time I knew, you where not a scientist. Explain if the towers fell that fast, why the laws of physic says its impossible!
  3. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    And I'm beginning to think you have absolutely no clue, do you?

    Jet fuel burns at around 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, and at 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, steel losses up to 50% of its strength, thus with the burning of other combustibles, such as desk furniture, rugs, curtains, and paper, the fire continued to burn throughout all of the effected floors and the steel began to sag, thus causing stress on the steel and causing it to buckle and break their angle clips that held them to the vertical columns. Once one truss failed, the others would follow because of the extra stress they would now endure with the first having failed. Not to mention the support beams that the planes would damage and destroy upon impact. The fires within had half of their work cut out for them thanks to the impact the planes had when hitting the buildings.

    Explain to me why the towers could not have fallen as fast as they had. The momentum that would gather from 12 to 28 floors falling on the floors below would quickly increased as they fell, and that momentum combined with the physical weight of the falling floors would far exceed the strength capacity of the floors below. The increasing mass and momentum of the falling floors would continue to grow larger and larger thus increasing the overall speed of the collapsing buildings.

    Looks like your youtube and google video "evidence" have been foiled again.

    I may be no scientist, but I do know the facts, clearly, unlike you.
  4. dutch

    dutch Newbie

    Jan 31, 2007
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    First off I know exactly, and FYI im a fire fighter BTW. First off what happened, it went strait down right? It would take 40+ seconds not 10 seconds. And how do I know this? THE LAWS OF PHYSICS, that id debunkable. Unless your saying the laws of physics is wrong and that would also mean that gravity is wrong, and everything else wouldnt it? If it where to come down, it would fall over not strait down. LOL, I cant wait to post these convo's to loosechange forums ^^.
  5. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    First off, I am not giving you permission to repost these conversations on another site. Especially not my posts. And if you do repost these conversations anywhere on the web, you will be permanently banned from Neofriends. This is your first and final warning.

    If your a fire fighter, then I must I would not want you responding to a fire at my home. By the way, what does the 1990 stand for in your email? Your birth date perhaps? Please, enlighten me.

    And if anything, the laws of physics would support what I am telling you. Gravity would only help pull the floors and the entire buildings to the ground faster. Please, tell me what specifically you are talking about.

    If you would for one minute forget about your Loose Change video and read Popular Mechanics or any other established news media outlet, you would know that Loose Change is nothing factual. In fact, before you make another post, why don't you go get yourself a copy of this book and read the real facts: http://www.amazon.com/Debunking-11-Myth ... F8&s=books

    Again, you do not have permission to repost any of the conversations from this forum onto any other forum.
  6. dutch

    dutch Newbie

    Jan 31, 2007
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    First off did I hit a skeptics sore spot ? ahh man :( . Second off juniour fire-fighter buddy. And btw those are not the "real facts" if you would even go see the movie your self you would learn something. And I WILL be posting the enitre thing, just edit your name out, nothing you can ban me for if I edit your name out :) . And even if you do say I cant there has been a little thing, that obviously skeptics dont know about. FREEDOM of speech. Popular mechanics gave some reasons why it would be with the offical story yes, debunked some of our theorys yes, but they cannot debunk the laws of physics. I see you never really learned much in school, or may not of payed attention. If it happened the offical way, the laws of physics = NOTHING. Explain that for me? Or is it because your brain washed, a bush lover, and a skeptic you know everything? Yes that must be it! [/sarcasm] And since you DONT live to NYC as I myself look at this site http://www.911tvfakery.net/ . Ahh will that make the skeptic in you mad again and threaten to ban me ? ;)
  7. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Trust me, Junior, I am no skeptic.

    And I will tell you again, that if the conversations from this forum are reposted on any site, you will be permanently banned. You have received your warning.

    I find it laughable that you can insult my intelligence when you can not even spell or use proper grammar. Good job.

    I'm ashamed to be classified as an American along side of unpatriotic brats like yourself. And it's a disgrace that you would take advantage of the death of thousands of men and women who died for you to have the freedoms you do. Freedom of speech does not mean you have the right to take advantage of what you are given.

    Once again, you have failed to tell me which laws of physics were violated on 9/11.

    Also, if you continue to turn this into a flame war against individuals, you will be suspended from the forum. It's funny how everything in this thread was being conducted as a debate until the moment you posted in it. Do it again, and you will be suspended until further notice.
  8. mikky1234

    mikky1234 Level I

    Jan 31, 2007
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    K why would bush stage it? He obviously wouldn't let his own contry terrorized by terrorists
  9. dutch

    dutch Newbie

    Jan 31, 2007
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    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Wow, you really know how to tell a few good jokes dont you? First off, I find it funny that you point out my spelling mistakes and gramer mistakes! Coming from the guy who says george W bush knows more then the laws of physics. And again, you cannot take my rights of free speech. If I edit your name out, you cannot ban me for anything! :p If your not a skeptic what are you? If you are "patriotic" then you would ask more questions, since thats the TRUE american way. For calling someone a "brat" in a debate you loose. How am I turning this into a "flame war" when I have not yet to call you a "brat" or anything else? You are a skeptic thats it! You ban me, you lost the debate. And FYI, Im recording this now. Its funny how you say im flaming when you where the one to call me as a brat ? jajajajaja! Yet you say that im unpatriotic for debating when debating and asking questions is what america is about! Look at your self, then think what unpatriotic is ok? And a little off the subject, how does being brain washed feel like? Is it cool? Do you say " hail george W bush " ?? Just a question not meaning to sound mean! :eek: Hope I didnt make the skeptic in you sad :(
  10. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    When did I once say President Bush knows more (than who?) about the laws of physics?

    No, believe me, it's my right to free speech to ban you from the forum after warning you about certain actions.

    Don't talk to me about the "true" American way. Because clearly, you know nothing of it.

    And the word brat, when not used in a derogatory way, is defined as a childish or impolite person. And from your posts, that is what I have gathered about you.

    You are flaming this thread by not providing anything of use to it as others have been over the past six pages. So, if you will not continue the conversation as it has been conducted thus far, don't bother posting in this thread anymore.

    You sure know how kill a good debate.
  11. dutch

    dutch Newbie

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Anougher pic added fyi. And you said george knows best by saying the orignal story is true. The laws of physics says it would not go down in 10 seconds, by saying it will its saying the laws of physics is lieing! How did I kill this, did I once say "brat" or anything besides a skeptic? You sir need to grow up, your power hungry if you ask me! Ive provided many for this topic, and yet YOU FLAME THEM. And called me childish ? Learn to debate, you would look like a clown if you debated all this infront of the public. Im now off to bed, I have my auto refresher and recorder up. Lets see what you say when im sleeping, will you flame me behind my back to feel more power and cool? Who knows, all I know is your childish not me. Dont say nothing behind my back that you could loose your power over !

  12. moose

    moose Level IV

    Jan 20, 2007
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    your that paranoid about all this arnt you dutch?
    i have things to say
    1.BobbaFett is a very good debater
    2. If you are sooo smart tell us all this: in the mock crash test in calgary alberta a couple years back they PROVED that with the power of a plane crashing into ANY building at over 250mph it would ALLOW the laws of physics to make the tower uneven to cause it to crash STRAIGHT down in a short matter of time. explain how that IS NOT possible
    3. if it was all staged how come when saddam's army started attackin back with the americans why did he go into hiding?
    cause he was the leader and he knew his fate that he was going to be captured and killed cause bush is a smart man
    he may have not known the men he drafted into his army but the ones that were, were big assets to the american army(with the help of canadians of course)

    4. thats my 2 cents worth im gonna stop now before i really have to prove you wrong and make you cry cause i know you cant handle being proven wrong MULTIPLE TIMES

    ps: if you took someone elses words and stuff and posted it to mock them after they said do not post this somewhere else
    in canada you can be fined for improper use of freedom of speech

    well thats what my teachers say
  13. dutch

    dutch Newbie

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Ahh starting this debate back up yes? Look at the New york city building regulations then look at calgary's. There is a difference isnt there? Know whats funny? How you think saddam did it, when the american goverment said binladen did. Even more funnyer is when they made a guy look like him saying he did it! You can tell by his face that wasnt him, a monkey could see that. He was checked into a hospital the day, and later said he did NOT do the attacks. Get your facts strait, and goo ahead MRS. skeptic get your "proof". "im gonna stop now before i really have to prove you wrong and make you cry cause i know you cant handle being proven wrong MULTIPLE TIMES" You guys have yet to prove me wrong, all you have done is get a idea, and support it by flaming! "if you took someone elses words and stuff and posted it to mock them after they said do not post this somewhere else
    in canada you can be fined for improper use of freedom of speech" ROFLMAO did you even read what you said?
  14. moose

    moose Level IV

    Jan 20, 2007
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    you have yet to prove anything you say correct yet
  15. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Thank you shade.

    Dutch, I'm not going to argue the Saddam point nor the war in Iraq, as it is obviously a completely different, unrelated subject. But, can you please tell me what sources there are that support what you have claimed about the bin Laden tape and it being a fake? Also, just in case you were not aware, the story that bin Laden was admitted to a hospital and denied being involved in the 9/11 attacks was never cofirmed, and bin Laden released a statement shortly thereafter denying that he had ever been admitted to the Dubai hospital and denied he was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Want the source?

    1) http://washingtontimes.com/op-ed/200601 ... -2153r.htm
    2) http://www.islamonline.net/english/news ... le10.shtml
    3) http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/time ... maBinLaden

    ...and there are others should you want to read them. The "sources" that support your theory are unconfirmed and denied by all parties involved, and they all cite each other as sources; which tears down any credible they may have had to begin with. How have we yet to prove you and the 'Loose Change' film wrong? In fact, the 'Loose Change' film contradicts itself many times. The best example of that contradition is that the film discusses how it is highly unlikely that a Boeing 757 crashed into the Pentagon because of the lack of physical evidence, next, the film shows and mentions pictures of aircraft parts -- the parts that apparently weren't there. The film, and its producers, also take quotes out of context to manipulate them to seem to mean whatever the producers want them to. There is only one civil engineer in the world that supports the 9/11 conspiracies, Steven Jones, who has embarrassed the enineering community with his claims about the Twin Towers and their structural failure being caused by a controlled demolition. Want some more sources?

    1) http://www.netxnews.net/vnews/display.v ... 801bdadd6e
    2) http://www.civil.usyd.edu.au/wtc.shtml
    3) http://www.asce.org/pressroom/news/disp ... m?uid=1057

    Please, enlighten me with some credible sources that support the 'Loose Change' theories. Let's debate, not bash.
  16. X Joe Kickass X

    X Joe Kickass X Level IV

    Nov 18, 2006
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    Behind You
    Dutch, did your mother drop you down the stairs when you were younger? You cannot believe everything you see on the internet. Get that through your head. Boba has all the fucking right in the world to ban you. He gave you fair warning. And if you think him banning you is because he can't win the arguement, its not. My god, you are seriously 13 years old. Do you see how EVERYTHING you say isn't knowledge? Its stupid, FALSE information you find of google? I could have sworn you said " Go look it up on google" 5 times. GOOGLE ISN"T ALWAYS RIGHT! If you WERE smart you wouldn't believe that shit.
  17. moose

    moose Level IV

    Jan 20, 2007
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    look up google in google the defintion is the most popular CLICKED on site of what you searched
  18. dutch

    dutch Newbie

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Watch loosechange, go to there forums, go to any truther's forum and you will find about any source. If you dont want to, then you wont find the source will you? Skeptics are stubborn as hell, we present you this stuff and you go insane. And sadam had NOTHING to do with 9/11, bush said he had WOMD if you remeber right. :shock:
    HAHAHAHA, ahh anougher skeptic mad eh? She did not drop me in the head, stay on topic if you would please? If you r claiming that the laws of physics is false evidence, go back to school. I know that if the core was weakend IT WOULD COLLAPSE, but not in 10 seconds. It would come down floor by floor, not all at once with explosion clouds. How do you explain the smell of chlordite also? Let me guess the Kool-aid man was there and did it yes? No wait even better, the plane had some in it, will that make the skeptic in you joe happy? Anougher person flaming, this is a debate dont flame for christ sakes.
  19. moose

    moose Level IV

    Jan 20, 2007
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    maybe the terrorists had bombs on the plane
    they didnt die the instant the plane crashed
    as you would say its laws of physics
  20. dutch

    dutch Newbie

    Jan 31, 2007
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    LMAO, they plane turned into dust, and they didnt die ?!?! WOOOO, they must be like super man yes? ANd go to school and learn about the laws of physics ok? :shock: and I will be posting that SOME GUY said the people didnt die when the plane hit the towers. LOL just LOL.
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