Can you guys recommend me some fun DS games? I cant seem to find any good games. I prefer role playing games games or puzzle games.
Haha. I mostly just play my nintendogs game. And ocassionally mario and zelda! so I shouldn't be much of help if you're looking for roleplaying or puzzle games. /: But I if you've played ookami before I hear they're coming out with an ookami game for DS which should be fun!
Mario party is fun, and you can drag in your friends to play with you too xD On my DS I usually just play Mario games or Pokemon - I don't really bother with other games. Drawn to life sounds good, but I've never really tried it. ^^"
I don't enjoy DS too much :B The whole 'two screens' thing confuses me a bit xD But then again, I play on emulators, not the real thing. I personally liked Harvest Moon for DS, but I originally like all HM games 8D;
Hahaha I play Mario kart also I get furious when someone beats me during wifi play cause I'm always so close.
I have drawn to life. I don't like it too much, it's just.. ehhh. but my sister loves that game it's like her favorite. It just kinda depends on what you like I guess? Haha yes! Mario party is fun! And I've played my fair share of pokemon, believe me, but that was more so in the days of gameboy color and gameboy advance! =p
Well, I love Mario Party But then, I'm more of a button masher than a strategic thinker. Button mashing = fun. And I agree - mario kart is pretty addictive. :3
Chrono Trigger Metroid Prime:Hunters And Animal Crossing: Wild World was the most addictive portable game ever.
Well AC is definitely only fun if you have wifi. But i started a giveaway service and i had a lot of fun with it at animalcrossincommunity website. Another good one only for online play was Starfox Command.
Obligitory Pokemon suggestion Scribblenauts is extremely fun. (Drawn to life not so good imo) Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days is sex. FF Crystal Chronicles games. The World Ends With You. =D
Oh god i completey forgot about KH:358/2. That game was great. So was TWEWY. That was probably the most original and just plain fun game i've played in a while (just beat it recently) For RPG's though, i'd still have to say Chrono Trigger was my favorite just because i never played the original one so i was new to it when i played it on DS, and i liked the storyline.
Oh yea! Chrono Trigger is really good too. I haven't finished yet, I keep putting it off. Getting DJ Hero on thursday XD
Has anybody ever play scribblenauts? I think thats how it is spelled. My roommates girlfriend got it for the DS. Basically you go through level and try to complete missions. You write words and whatever you write shows up on the screen. For example a shark to get across a river. frying pan to hit an enemy. Pretty much anything you can think of is incorporated into the game. I have been telling my sister to get it so I can try it, but she hasnt yet Anybody played it?